Valhalla Investing
Any person can invest in Valhalla projects.
Any person can invest in Valhalla projects.
Starting from 100 $ each investment is welcome.

Valhalla issues for each project a project coin/token.
Each investor can buy as many project coins/token as she/he wants under the terms of investment made by Valhalla. Valhalla guarantees that the project is real and that each token is representing the promised part of the company shares holding the rights of the project.
Each Valhalla project is listed on our website with the relevant details and more informations about each project.
Each Valhalla project is listed on our website with the relevant details and more informations about each project.
Investor can buy as many project coins/token as she/he wants
Valhalla guarantees that the project is real
Token is representing the promised part of the company shares holding.

Payments can be made in each currency or crypto currency under the terms of Valhalla.
Valhalla Security System
Valhalla Security System
Valhalla Security System

Verifiying all Projects Verifiying all Projects
Verifiying all Projects
VALHALLA is verifiying all Projects in order to ensure a safe investment.

technical- / economical- / legal- / security system Valhalla system
technical- / economical- / legal- / security system
VALHALLA has invented and implemented a technical, economical and legal security system to ensure at any time the savety of the Seller and the Buyer.

Respecting laws Respecting laws
Respecting laws
VALHALLA is respecting all applicable laws in force in the relevant countries.
Each investor receives for each investment a Valhalla Investment Certificate.
Trading after receipt of Token
Trading of token
Trading after receipt of Token
The project coins/token can be traded after their receipt on our Valhalla Virtual Share Exchange.